Snagged this off the internet and got a laugh! On a more serious note, Scientific American has a great article, titled: The Startling Intelligence of the Common Chicken: Chickens are smart, and they understand their world, which raises troubling questions about how...

The Worship of Walker Judson Now Out As An E-Book!

Happy Holidays to One and All I’m delighted to report that my book, The Worship of Walker Judson, is now available as an e-book on Amazon. Additionally, if you’re a member of Amazon Prime you can borrow the book free of cost from their Kindle Owner’s...

Noisy drumroll, please…

Nearly twenty-five years in the making, my novel, The Worship of Walker Judson, is available on Amazon! The story, about a charismatic healer-gone-bad and a young woman who blindly follows him, examines the misuse of power and how followers so easily relinquish...