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Praise for My Husband's Under Here Somewhere - Janice Strubbe-Wittenberg

Praise for My Husband’s Under Here Somewhere

This book presents broad based clinical details, alongside poignant pictures of the individual who is trapped amongst his or her belongings. Offering unique insights into a disorder that is both peculiar in its symptomatology and heartbreaking in its capacity to disable, it goes a long way toward dispelling the stereotype that hoarding is simply an irrational response to being a “child of the Depression. The authors document remarkably chaotic living conditions created by the hoarder that, when left unaddressed, can often lead to death.”

—Paul Bellina, MSW, acute services, mental health.

“A wonderful, slightly terrifying book! Combining fabulous and disturbing stories, as well as detailed science, My Husband’s Under Here Somewhere is a great read for everyone, including those with the impulse to hold onto things, along with the folks who must live with them, and families torn apart by piles of old newspapers and twine. This book offers insight into a disorder that is both peculiar in its symptomatology and heart-breaking in its capacity to disable. It offers broad-based clinical presentation, alongside poignant pictures of the individual who is trapped amongst hi a counselor and as a human with a propensity for clutter.”

—Deborah Allen, MA, Counselor and Chronic Pain Educator

“The personalized stories are quite compelling and clearly document the serious challenges of hoarding. It is a distinct privilege to read this engrossingly comprehensive review of people with this problem, as well as those with compulsive behaviors and hoarding found in other forms of mental illness.”

John Gillette, MD, psychiatrist for Santa Cruz County Mental Health.

“The history, along with degrees of hoarding, are clearly presented in a most readable fashion. The spiritual and societal aspects of materialism are also discussed with superb insight and nuance. My Husband’s Under Here Somewhere should be on everyone’s bookshelf, as long as you don’t hoard it all to yourself. To be gleeful about such a serious matter may sound cold, but it is with great joy that I recommend this excellent, if not brilliant work.

Gabriel Constans, PhD, therapist, author.

“At times humorous, sometimes shocking but also enlightening at every turn, this is a fascinating read!”

—Ellen Morse-Weston, PHN, BSN, RN.

“My Husband’s Under Here Somewhere is an easy and informative read about a topic that can be very uncomfortable, especially if someone in your family that fits the diagnosis. The Strubbe’s have delved into the research that examines the subject and honestly addresses its ramifications for a person’s life. Their stories and analyses can help in reassessing one’s own inclinations in the area and will increase understanding of the reasons why hoarders hoard.”

—Irene Keenan, educator.

“Unlike other books I have read about hoarding, it’s clear that the authors of this one have had extensive, first hand experience with hoarders.  I plan to recommend this book to friends as a great resource for hoarders, and family members of hoarders, as well as professionals working with hoarders. Enjoyable to read and very informative.

—Wendy Maybaum, RN, MSN, Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist